LOOKING BACK: East Coast Turnaround
During the entire month of October 2015, Matt and I (Andrew) drove cross country and back. Most have driven cross country once or twice but this was the first time for us to make the turnaround. We drove from California to the East, made a right turn in NYC, headed South to North Carolina and then ventured back to the West Coast. It was not a classic flip flop because we didn’t make the u-turn in NYC so we called this the Freenote East Coast Turnaround. Although we had an amazing action packed trip this journey had its Freenote merit. We hit five retailers on the way out, exhibited at the first ever Rin Tinana Inspiration show in Brooklyn, visited Cone Mills in Greensboro, NC (which is the staple denim of our coming Fall release), and visited half a dozen retailers on the way back.
First stop was in Park City, Utah. Guardsman’s Pass
Southern Wyoming is not the pretty part of the state. I guess it could depend on who you ask. The big slab was wide open the whole way.
We had a beer in Denver with Eli from Berkely Supply then had to hammer down all night with all the other bean poppers to get to an event with Luke at Mildblend. The next day we did some tourist stuff before we left town and of course crushed a Chicago cheeseburger on the way out.
NYC. Rin Tinaka’s Inspiration show is as good as it gets. We always enjoy running into old friends. This pic was taken at the beginning of a big night out with Manready posse, and local tour guide AJ from Knickerbocker MFG. A thousand beers, fights, light dancing, and sleeping in the boots.
Relaxing in DC. We always have to grab product shots on the road and we certainly do our best to test the product months in advance. This is Matt in the Vagabond Chino which we released mid-June. This pant is sold out and probably one of the nicest pieces we have ever made.
We hadn’t been to DC since grade school which made for a nostalgic peaceful visit.
Denim Heaven
You run into hundred of picturesque homes like this while on the road. This could really be anywhere but you can tell it’s the Dirty South.
Good ole K-Town
Tennessee cotton fields
No idea where we took this pic.
Palo Duro Canyon in the Big A
Riders Waxed Canvas jacket got some miles on this trip. The locals in the Big A were kind of stoked to have us at their lunch spot but not really. Just happy to be cruising here.
Windmills in New Mexico. We avoided the bear traps and charged home.